In order to be eligible for the protection of your intellectual property assets as guaranteed by the NetPlusUltra® franchising system, you must be able to demonstrate at any time (i.e. in real time), as a self-respecting web(mastering) author, that you are the actual producer of original content. Which implies a specific engineering framework, i.e. a special configuration of your user environment: transparent, matrixed, conceptual, receivable, franchisable.
Which means that the hard drive of your computer has to be more than just the extension of your brain: it must be your command post, or - to suggest a less war-mongering analogy - the kitchen which will enable you to prepare all the delicious dishes (the publications) that you intend to serve to your guests (your audience). Therefore, your kitchen is not only the receptacle of all the recipe ideas that you will cook in there, but also the edge you need to maintain on the market (the other kitchen managers of equal calibre). That lock chamber is no less than your R&D lab (i.e. your future), which, as such, has to be kept watertight (fraud-proof). Imagine if your customers were permanently poking their nose into your saucepans…
This is why I always take care to inoculate the social network interfaces embedded in my OS before I even start to use the latter, as they lead to nothing but social engineering canteens. Since there is no way to identify the owner of the cauldron (indeed, who would want to sign such a crap menu), what is simmering in there is nothing but the permanent draft of a recipe that never turns into anything edible. Don't forget either that everything you will trust to another kitchen aid can and will be held against you, and that if one might feel safe to chat about fiction (in such a cloudy atmosphere), you had better refrain from talking about your privacy or your job, especially if they matter to you!
As the solution to all internet evils, my NetPlusUltra® franchising concept imposes computer workstations which can be inspected through the screen sharing features of the Operating System, upon conceptually justified request of a duly pre-affiliated author. And it is precisely because affiliate members fully subscribe to that precautionary principle that it works, since such a franchising system does not produce (any request for inspection justified by alleged) fraud.
Let us move over from the principle to its application, starting with our "System Preferences" (I will leave it up to Windows users to identify equivalent checkpoints). In the same way as the Mac owes its reliability to the integrity of its proprietary code, I owe my independence to the integrity of my formula, as a quasi-genetic derivative of my stereoptical scheme. Since my iMac is my first line of defense, I have a double (moral and financial) interest in protecting both my equipment and the formula I intend to implement as a web service, by deactivating all such social network interfaces that turn any machine into a leaking bucket enabling nothing but bypasses.
As a matter of consequence, my computer is "FileVaulted" behind its "Gatekeeper", with security options set to authorize only such downloads from the "Mac App Store", which is the necessary and sufficient condition for contractual niches (or flaws) to become apparent. As regards the configuration privileges, the rule of common sense is just as simple: "one user = one nominative account", configured by the sole holder and administrator, i.e. me.
Let us now turn to content management. Every computer is delivered with a specific number of preconfigured folders. On a Mac, those are the "Documents", "Downloads", "Music", "Public", and "Movies" folders of your "Home directory". No need to change this generic structure, since it would only prevent certain applications from functioning properly. Feel free instead to complete this generic library by adding as many subject matter folders with thematic added-value as necessary and sufficient.
Among the latter, the most important for you as an author will be your own subdirectories for specific "Web projects", to which you can add as many folders supporting multiple formats as needed: the latter should contain the detached pieces to be incorporated as ingredients into the recipe to which that special web project is dedicated.
To make it short: in order to be admissible for the scanning and inspection of its contents, your "home directory" must hold two types of folders: your "generic libraries" of formats, and your "specific library" of web projects. Indeed, the careful encapsulation of your creations (one folder = one project = one iFolio) is meant to enable you to focus on your publications with more confidence: if a franchised member files a request against another, on the grounds of a publication that is too obviously the result of cut and paste, it becomes possible to identify the plagiarist by screening the metadata of the computer workstations concerned by the complaint.
Imagine the positive impact such knowledge management would have on our cognitive economy, in terms of (no longer needed) gadgets and applicative patches.
Please follow the redirection below for a preview into how my future conceptual franchisor dashboard (in development) will enable me, as a service provider, to aggregate the user data collected through my registration interface into the "NetPlusUltra® directory of franchised authors":